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Risultati 1-20 di 147

Zur Ökologie und Biologie der Erdalgen

mit 11 Abbildungen und 3 Tabellen im Text

Atlante dei principali funghi commestibili e velenosi

illustrato con 63 tavole a colori

  • Negri, , Giovanni, 1877-1960


a study of microorganism and their relation to human welfare : discussing the history of bacteriology, the nature of microorganisms, and their significance in connection with pathology, hygiene, agriculture and the industries

Introduction to the study of fungi

their organography, classification and distribution : for the use of collectors

The coelomycetes

fungi imperfecti with pycnidia acervuli and stromata

Le genre Galera

(Fries) Quélet : 75 figures

Guida alla determinazione dei funghi

polyporales, boletales, agaricales, russulales

Hyménomycetes de France

Hetérobasidiés, Homobasidiés gymnocarpers

British stem - and leaf - fungi

(Coelomycetes) : a contribution to our knoledge of the Fungi Imperfecti belonging to the Sphaeropsidales and the Melanconiales

A text-book of mycology

with one hundred thirty-nine illustrations

Toxigenic fusarium species

identity and mycotoxicology

Traité d'algologie

introduction a la biologie et a la systématique des algues : 370 figures

Risultati 1-20 di 147