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Risultati 60-80 di 132

Van Eyck

  • Châtelet, Albert

Rubens and Italy

  • Jaffè, Michael

Van Dyck e i suoi amici

fiamminghi a Genova 1600-1640

Rubens a Mantova

Mantova, Palazzo ducale, 25 settembre-20 novembre 1977

Magritte [+]

  • Magritte, René

The prints of Peter Bruegel the Elder

catalogue raisonné

  • Bastelaer, René: van

Van Dyck [+]

pittore di corte

State Hermitage museum catalogue

Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-century Flemish painting

  • Gritsay, Natalya

Van Dyck

  • Dyck, Anton: van

Jacob Jordaens

Odysseus and Nausicaa

Van Dyck [+]

  • Bodart, Didier

Rubens [+]

  • Rubens, Peter Paul

Valentin Lefèvre

dipinti, disegni, incisioni

  • Ruggeri, Ugo

Pieter Bruegel [+]

complete edition of the paintings

  • Bruegel, Pieter