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Risultati 1-20 di 164

Cette curieuse guerre de 70

Thiers, Trochu, Bazaine

  • Guillermin, Henri

Revolution and reaction

1848 and the Second French Republic

French peasants in revolt

The insurrection of 1851

  • Margadant, Ted W.

French provincial police and the fall of the Second Republic

Social fear and counterrevolution

  • Forstenzer, Thomas R.

Una rivoluzione fallita

ricordi del 1848-1849

  • Tocqueville, Alexis: de

Le seconde empire

  • Dansette, Adrien


  • Tocqueville, Alexis: de

Raspail [+]

  • Duveau, Georges <1903-1958>


les causés politiques du désastre

  • Montesquiou, Léon: de

Risultati 1-20 di 164