
Titolo: Christmas books

Autore principale: Dickens, Charles <1812-1870>

Le 8 pubblicazioni ordinate per anno crescente

  • Christmas books

    Dickens, Charles <1812-1870> London : Chapman and Hall, Limited , 19--
  • Christmas books

    Dickens, Charles <1812-1870> London : Chapman & Hall : Humphrey Milford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 19..?

    Serie: The fireside Dickens ; 9

  • Christmas books

    Dickens, Charles <1812-1870> London ; Glasgow : Collins, 1969

    Serie: Collins classics ; 482

  • The Christmas books

    Dickens, Charles <1812-1870> Harmondsworth : Penguin books, 1971

    Serie: Penguin English Library

  • Christmas books

    Dickens, Charles <1812-1870> Oxford ; New York : Oxford University, 1988

    Serie: The world's classics

  • Christmas books

    Dickens, Charles <1812-1870> Oxford ; New York : Oxford university press, 1988

    Serie: The world's classics

  • Christmas Books

    Dickens, Charles <1812-1870> Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 1990

    Serie: The World's Classics

  • Christmas books

    Dickens, Charles <1812-1870> Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1998

    Serie: Oxford worldʼs classics

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