
Titolo: Sea warfare

Autore principale: Kipling, Rudyard

Le 4 pubblicazioni ordinate per anno crescente

  • Sea warfare

    Kipling, Rudyard London : MacMillan and Co, 1916
  • Sea warfare

    Kipling, Rudyard Paris : L. Conard, 1917

    Serie: Standard collection of British and American authors ; 51

  • Sea warfare

    Kipling, Rudyard Paris : Conard, 1917

    Serie: Standard collection of latest copyrighted works by British and American authors ; 51

  • Sea warfare

    Kipling, Rudyard Paris : Conard, 1917

    Serie: Standard collection of British and American authors ; 51

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Record aggiornato il: 2021-11-25T05:13:45.260Z