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Risultati 60-80 di 82

Alberto Sani

an artist out of his time

  • Berenson, Bernard

The Berenson archive

an inventary of corrispondence

  • Berenson, Bernard

Venetian painting in America

the Fifteenth century

  • Berenson, Bernard


his incongruity and his fame

  • Berenson, Bernard

Estetica etica e storia

nelle arti della rappresentazione visiva

  • Berenson, Bernard

A matter of passion

letters of Bernard Berenson and Clotilde Marghieri

  • Berenson, Bernard

The Italian pictures of the Renaissance

a list of the principal artists and their works with an index of places

  • Berenson, Bernard

Italienische Kunst

Studien und Betrachtungen

  • Berenson, Bernard

Lorenzo Lotto

an essay in constructive art criticism

  • Berenson, Bernard