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Risultati 20-40 di 62

Sassetta [+]

un pittore senese della leggenda francescana

  • Berenson, Bernard

Seeing and knowing

  • Berenson, Bernard

The Bernard Berenson treasury

a selection from the works, unpublished writings, letters, diaries, and journals of the most celebrated humanist and art historian of our times : 1887-1958

  • Berenson, Bernard

Alberto Sani

an artist out of his time = un artista fuori del suo tempo

  • Sani, Alberto

Pagine di diario [+]

letteratura, storia, politica : 1942-1956

  • Berenson, Bernard

Vedere e sapere [+]

  • Berenson, Bernard

Rumour and reflection


  • Berenson, Bernard

One year's reading for fun


  • Berenson, Bernard

Sunset and twilight

from the Diaries of 1947-1958

  • Berenson, Bernard

Del Caravaggio

delle sue incongruenze e della sua fama

  • Berenson, Bernard