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Risultati 40-60 di 152

The illustrated encyclopedia of space technology

a comprehensive history of space exploration

First on the moon

a voyage with Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins, Edwin E.Aldrin Jr.

  • Armstrong, Neil

The garden of Rama

  • Clarke, Arthur C.

1984: spring

a choice of futures

  • Clarke, Arthur C.

L'occhio dell'universo [+]


  • Clarke, Arthur C.

L'occhio del sole [+]


  • Clarke, Arthur C.

2010 odissea due [+]

  • Clarke, Arthur C.

First on the moon

a voyage with Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins, Edwin E. Aldrin Jr. ; with photographs

  • Farmer, Gene

3001 [+]

Odissea finale

  • Clarke, Arthur C.

Dossier Odissea

  • Clarke, Arthur C.

Ombre sulla luna [+]

  • Clarke, Arthur C.

Otto racconti [+]

  • Clarke, Arthur C.

L'occhio del tempo [+]


  • Clarke, Arthur C.