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[Recensione di] U.S. Route and Station Agent Postmarks

Mobile Post office markings by Charles L. Towle

  • Cohn Ernst M.

[Recensione di] Venezia e il Levante - Le Vie di mare - Venezia le vie della Posta nel secolo 19°

Venice - The Maritime Routes - Venice and the Post Routes in the 19th Century by franco Rigo

  • Cohn Ernst M.

[Recensione di] Wörterbuch zur deutschen Postgeschichte (Dictionary of German Postal History)

Key to old German Postal History by Erich and Eberhard Kuhlmann

  • Cohn Ernst M.

[Recensione di] Zakaznoe - Recommandirt: Die eingeschriebenen postsendungen im Kaiserreich Russland vom Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts bis zum Ende des ersten Weltkriegs 1918

Zakaznoe - Recommandirt: The Imperial Russian registered post from the beginning of the 19th Century until the end of the First World War in 1918 by Harry von Hofmann

  • Cohn Ernst M.

Mail transport Then and Now

High up on the yellow coach...

  • Gnewuch, Gerd