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Risultati 60-80 di 100

Il fabbro armonioso

air varié

  • Händel, Georg Friedrich

Largo [+]

da Serse

  • Händel, Georg Friedrich

Suite for brass trio

  • Händel, Georg Friedrich

Suite from The Water music

bourree, air, hornpipe, andante, finale

  • Händel, Georg Friedrich

Suites per pianoforte

  • Händel, Georg Friedrich


  • Händel, Georg Friedrich


air de Rinaldo

  • Händel, Georg Friedrich

Select songs from the Oratorios & Operas

for Soprano. 2, Nos. 9-16

  • Händel, Georg Friedrich

Spera, si, mio caro bene

aria in the opera of Admetus

  • Händel, Georg Friedrich

Organ concertos [+]

no. 1 in F major (HWV 295), Op. 7 no. 1 in B flat major (HWV 306), Op. 4 no. 1 in G minor (HWV 289), Op. 4 no. 4 in F major (HWV 292)

  • Händel, Georg Friedrich

Caro mio ben

cavatina cantata dal Sig. Gasparo Pacchiarotti l'autunno del 1788, Verona

  • Händel, Georg Friedrich [Compositore]