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Le Corbusier 1887-1965

un lirismo per l'architettura dell'era meccanicista

  • Cohen, Jean-Louis

Le corbusier

  • Franchetti Pardo, Vittorio

Le modulor

essai sur une mesure harmonique a l'echelle humaine applicable universellemente a l'architecture et a la mécanique

  • Le Corbusier

Modulor 2 [+]

1955 (la parole est aux usagers) suite de "Le Modulor" "1948"

  • Le Corbusier

Le Corbusier

eros e logos

  • Messina, Bruno, 1960-

Le Corbusier, Viaggio in Oriente

gli inediti di Charles Edouard Jeanneret fotografo scrittore

  • Le Corbusier

Catalogue of fifty works by Le Corbusier

paintings, drawings, collages and sculpture created between the years 1919 and 1964, the property of la Fondation Le Corbusier, Paris, The Centre Le Corbusier-Heidi Weber, Zurich and a private collector ... : day of sale Tuesday, 1. July, 1969 ... / Sotheby & Co

  • Sothebyʼs of London, Londra