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Risultati 200-220 di 1429

Manners and customs of the Japanese in the nineteenth century

from the accounts of Dutch residents in Japan and from the German work of Philipp Franz von Siebold

From bonsai to Levi's

when West meets East : an insider's surprising account of how the Japanese live

  • Fields, George

Japanese inn

  • Statler, Oliver

The Japanese challenge

the success and failure of economic success

  • Kahn, Herman

Modern Japan

an interpretive anthology

  • Scheiner, Irwin

The roads to Sata

a 2000-mile walk through Japan

  • Booth, Alan


  • Stuart, Paul Meredith

Steps to the 21. century

Japan's former Foreign Minister detail transition to a market economy

  • Okita, Saburo

Isama Isala

interprétation philosophique des sculptures érotiques hindoues

  • Anand, Mulk Raj

Il 'Byun K'uns

l'origine degli esseri viventi e di tutte le cose

L'arte dell'India

le tradizioni della scultura, della pittura e dell'architettura indiana

  • Kramrisch, Stella