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Risultati 1-7 di 7

Constructing Pluralism in Seventeenth-Century Livorno [+]

Managing a Mediterranean Free Port

  • Nadalo, Stephanie

Negotiating Slavery in a Tolerant Frontier [+]

Livorno’s Turkish Bagno (1537-1747)

  • Nadalo, Stephanie

Populating a ‘nest of pirates, murtherers, etc. [+]

uscan immigration policy and ragion di Stato in the free port of Livorno

  • Nadalo, Stephanie

Negotiating slavery in tolerant frontier [+]

Livorno's turkish bagno (1537-1747)

  • Nadalo, Stephanie

Mosques without Minarets, a Ghetto Without Walls [+]

Minority Topographies in Seventeenth Century Livorno

  • Nadalo, Stephanie

A Citadel of Slavery in a Frontier of Tolerance [+]

the Bagno in Seventeenth-Century Livorno

  • Nadalo, Stephanie

Risultati 1-7 di 7