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El Sabio [Audioregistrazione]

Gesange fur konig Alfonso X. Von Kastilien und Leon songs for king Alfonso X of Castile and Leon (1221-1284)

  • Thornton, Barbara

Codex las Huelgas [Audioregistrazione]

Gesange aus dem koniglichen konvent : las huelgas de burgos (13./14. JH.) : Music from the royal convent of las huelgas de burgos (13th/14th cent.)

  • Thornton, Barbara

Donnersohne sons of thunder [Audioregistrazione]

Gesange fur den Hl. Jakobus music for St. James the Apostle codex calixtinus Santiago de Compostela 12. Jh./12th century

  • Bagby, Benjamin

Trouveres [Audioregistrazione]

Hofische liebeslieder aus nordfrankreich : Courtly love songs from northen France

  • Sequentia

Risultati 1-6 di 6