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Risultati 1-20 di 70

Il corriere Unesco

Rivista mensile d'informazione. Redatta dall'Organizzazione delle Nazioni Unite per l'educazione, la scienza e la cultura (Unesco)

Thesaurus de l'éducation Unesco: BIE

liste par facettes de termes destinés a l'indexation et à la recherche des documents et données relatifs à l'éducation, avec leurs équivalents anglais et espagnols

Agroclimatology of the highlands of Eastern Africa

proceedings of the technical conference, Nairobi, 1-5 October 1973

  • Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Beyond tropical deforestation

from tropical deforestation to forest cover dynamics and forest development

  • Babin, Didier

Biotechnologies and development

[Albert Sasson]

  • Sasson, Albert

Biotechnologies in developing countries

present and future. Vol.2, International co-operation

  • Sasson, A.

Culture Counts

Financing, Resources, and the Economics of Culture in Sustainable Development : proceedings of the Conference held in Florence, Italy, October 4-7, 1999

  • World Bank

Ecosystèmes forestiers tropicaux

un rapport sur l'état des connaissances

  • United Nations Environment Programme,

Ecosystèmes pâturés tropicaux

un rapport sur l'état des connaissances préparé par l'Unesco, le PNUE et la FAO

  • Unesco


a methods manual

  • Martin, Gary J.

Études de cas sur la désertification

documents élaborés par l'Unesco, le PNUE et le PNUD

  • Floret, Christian

Groundwater in international law

compilation of treaties and other legal instruments

  • Burchi, Stefano

Groundwater management

the search for practical approaches

  • Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Land and Water Development Division

Man's influence on the hydrological cycle

  • FAO. Land and Water Development Division

Risultati 1-20 di 70