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Guide book for the excursion on high-pressure metamorphismin the Cima lunga unit, (Central Alps)

5. Summer school Geologia e petrologia dei basamenti cristallini: Pressure and temperature evolution of orogenic belts : Siena, 15 to 29 September 1991

  • Summer school Geologia e petrologia dei basamenti cristallini<5. ;1991 ;Siena>

Guide book for the excursion to the central and western Alps: Orobic Alps, Mt. Mucrone area and Aosta Valley

5. Summer school Geologia e petrologia dei basamenti cristallini: Pressure and temperature evolution of orogenic belts : Siena, 15 to 29 September 1991

  • Summer school Geologia e petrologia dei basamenti cristallini<5. ;1991 ;Siena>

Risultati 1-2 di 2