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Risultati 180-200 di 4588

Chanterai por mon coraige [Audioregistrazione]

Music of the troubadours and trouveres from the 12th and 13th centuries

  • Binkley, Thomas

Decameron [Audioregistrazione]

Ballate monodiques de l'Ars Nova Florentina

  • Lamandier, Esther

Bella Donna [Audioregistrazione]

The medieval woman: lover, poet, patroness and saint

  • Wishart, Stevie

Le Remede de fortune [Audioregistrazione]

Motets, Rondeaux, Virelays

  • De Machaut, Guillaume

Kalenda Maya [Audioregistrazione]

Medieval and Renaissance Music : Songs and dances from 1200 to 1550 Spain, Italy, France and Germany

Vox Humana [Audioregistrazione]

Vokalmusik aus dem Mittelalter : Vocal Music of the Middle Age : Musique vocale du Moyen Age

  • Binkley, Thomas

O cieco mondo [Audioregistrazione]

Die italienische lauda : The italian lauda sec.1400-1700

  • Nevel, Paul Van

Trobadors [Audioregistrazione]

Lieder und tanze des mittelalters : Songs and dancer of the middle ages

  • Ensemble fur fruhe Musik Augsgurg