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Risultati 120-140 di 853

Linking genetic resources and geography

emerging strategies for conserving and using crop biodiversity : proceedings of a symposium cosponsored by Division C-8 of the Crop Science Society of America, Division A-6 of the American Society of Agronomy, and ERDAS, Inc., in Anaheim, CA, 29 Oct. 1997

  • Greene, Stephanie L.

Localized irrigation

design, installation, operation, evaluation

  • Vermeiren, I.

Manual for the preparation and sale of fruits and vegetables

from field to market

  • López Camelo, Andrés F.

Manual on integrated soil management and conservation practices

  • International Institute of Tropical Agriculture

Manuel de gestion des périmètres irrigués

  • Société centrale pour l'equipement du territoire international

Methods of soil analysis [+]

part 2, Microbiological and biochemical properties

  • Soil Science Society of America

Micronutrient assessment at the country level

an international study

  • Sillanpää, Mikko


technology and application

  • Debergh, P.

The new generation of watershed management programmes and projects

a resource book for practitioners and local decision-makers based on the findings and recommendations of an FAO review

  • Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations