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Risultati 20-40 di 201

Richard Hamilton

drawings, prints and paintings 1941-55 : Anthony d'Offay, London

Bacon [+]

Torino, Galleria civica d'arte moderna, 11 settembre-14 ottobre 1962

Victor Pasmore

the space within : new paintings 1968-69 : March-April 1969, Marlborough Fine Art, London

British painting '74

26 September-17 November 1974

Thomas Gainsborough [+]

  • Gainsborough, Thomas

Graham Sutherland [+]

  • Sutherland, Graham Vivian

John Constable [+]

  • Constable, John [1776-1837 ; pittore]

Joseph Turner

  • Turner, Joseph Mallord William

Turner e Constable

natura, luce e colore nel Romanticismo inglese

  • Crepaldi, Gabriele

Peter Blake


Lucian Freud [+]

  • Fagioli, Marco

The Pre-Raphaelites

[catalogue of exibition of 7 March-28 May 1984]

La pittura inglese da Hogarth a Turner, 1730-1850

Palazzo Venezia, Roma, 21 novembre - 20 dicembre 1966

Hockney's alphabet

  • Hockney, David <1937->