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Risultati 40-60 di 388

English miscellany [+]

a symposium of history literature and the arts

Poems and prose [+]

  • Swinburne, Algernon Charles

Influenze tedesche sulla letteratura inglese del primo 800 [+]

con particolare riferimento all'opera di Carlyle

  • Astaldi, Maria Luisa

Manual of English literature [+]

with some new additions

  • Craik, George Lillie

Scrittori inglesi e americani [+]

  • Cecchi, Emilio, 1884-1966

Romantici e decadenti inglesi [+]

Carlyle, Emerson, Poe, Wilde, Hardy, Stevenson, Moore, Synge, Vaughan

  • Vinciguerra, Mario, 1887-1972

Retorica e immaginario [+]

  • Serpieri, Alessandro, 1935-2017

A history of English literature [+]

with an outline of the origin and growth of the English language : illustrated by extracts, for the use of schools and of private students

  • Spalding, William