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Risultati 1-20 di 35

Per una storia della Comunità ebraica di Livorno [+]

contributo bibliografico, 1706-2019

  • Filippi, Duccio [Curatore]

Constructing Reality [+]

How Jewish Livorno’s Frontier Community Was Born and How It Was Remembered

  • Cooperman, Bernard Dov

Between Sepharad and Jerusalem [+]

History, Identity and Memory of the Sephardim

  • Meyuhas Ginio, Alisa

Portugal Meets Italy [+]

the Sephardic Communities of the Diaspora on Italian Soil (1496-1600)

  • Levi, Joseph Abraham

The “Jewish Nation of Livorno” [+]

a Port Jewry on the Road to Emancipation

  • Ferrara degli Uberti, Carlotta

Diversis gentibus una [+]

Livorno e il mare : antichi legami, nuove prospettive.

La nation juive portugaise [+]

Livourne, Amsterdam, Tunis, 1591-1951

  • Lévy, Lionel

Utopian Models of Future Judaism in Isaac Euchel’s Vision [+]

a Study of Utopia as a Genre in Haskalah Literature

  • Pelli, Moshe

Risultati 1-20 di 35