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Risultati 60-80 di 665

Failed illusions

Moscow, Washington, Budapest and the 1956 Hungarian revolt

  • Gati, Charles

1956 [+]

Budapest: i giorni della rivoluzione

  • Bettiza, Enzo

Ungheria 1956

la rivoluzione calunniata

  • Argentieri, Federigo

The Prague spring and its aftermath

Czechoslovak politics : 1968-1970

  • Williams, Kieran

The Prague spring, 1968

a national security archive documents reader


charter 77's decade of dissent

  • Bugajski, Janusz

Il crollo

la crisi del comunismo e la fine della Germania Est

  • Maier, Charles S.

Germany since 1945

  • O'Dochartaigh, Pol

The Bonn republic

West German democracy, 1945-1990

  • Nicholls, Anthony James

Memorie da uno stato fantasma

Berlino 1987-1990

  • Indelicato, Alberto

A history of Germany, 1918-2008

the divided nation

  • Fulbrook, Mary

Davanti al nazismo

scritti di teoria critica 1940-1948

  • Marcuse, Herbert

The Hitler myth

image and reality in the Third Reich

  • Kershaw, Ian, 1943-

In Europe's name

Germany and the divided continent

  • Garton Ash, Timothy

Imperial Germany revisited

continuing debates and new perspectives