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Risultati 1-20 di 113

La rivoluzione industriale e l'impero [+]

dal 1750 ai giorni nostri

  • Hobsbawm, E. J.

Cultura e rivoluzione industriale

Inghilterra, 1780-1950

  • Williams, Raymond

Winston S. Churchill

  • Churchill, Winston S.

L'ora più buia

maggio 1940 : come Churchill ha salvato il mondo dal baratro

  • McCarten, Anthony

The english abbey

its life and work in the middle age

  • Crossley, Frederick Herbert

Britannia latina

latin in the culture of Great Britain from the Middle Ages to the 20. Century

Understanding regulation

theory, strategy, and practice

  • Baldwin, Robert

Understanding governance

policy networks, governance, reflexivity and accountability

  • Rhodes, Roderick Arthur William

The free economy and the strong state

the politics of Thatcherism

  • Gamble, Andrew, 1947-

The politics of state expansion

war, state and society in twentieth-century Britain

  • Cronin, James E.


come la Gran Bretagna ha fatto il mondo moderno

  • Ferguson, Niall

Picturesque Great Britain

the architecture and the landscape

  • Hoppe, Emil Otto

Risultati 1-20 di 113