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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 260-280 di 1907

Technological learning

a strategic imperative for firms in the developing world

  • Marcelle, Gillian M.

Innovation and institutions

a multidisciplinary review of the study of innovation systems

Technological change and the dynamics of industries

theoretical issues and empirical evidence from Dutch manufacturing

  • Dijk, Machiel: van

Markets for technology

the economics of innovation and corporate strategy

  • Arora, Ashish

The second industrial divide

possibilities for prosperity

  • Piore, Michael J.

Handbook of entrepreneurship research [+]

an interdisciplinary survey and introduction

Entrepreneurship and the firm

Austrian perspectives on economic organization

The entrepreneur

an economic theory

  • Casson, Mark

The origins and development of the European Union, 1945-95

a history of European integration

  • Dedman, Martin J.

Contrived competition

regulation and deregulation in America

  • Vietor, Richard H. K.

Prophets of regulation

Charles Francis Adams, Louis D. Brandeis, James M. Landis, Alfred E. Kahn

  • McCraw, Thomas K.

Deregulation or re-regulation?

regulatory reform in Europe and the United States

Democracy and market system

  • Lindblom, Charles Edward