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Risultati 100-120 di 433

Toward a psychology of art

collected essays

  • Arnheim, Rudolf

Things that talk

object lessons from art and science

I savi e gli ignoranti

dialogo del pubblico con l'arte (16.-18. secolo)

  • Costa, Sandra, 1957-

Biennials, triennials and documenta

the exhibitions that created contemporary art

  • Green, Charles

Modernity and nostalgia

art and politics in France between the wars

  • Golan, Romy

Art power

  • Grojs, Boris

Art and visibility in migratory culture

conflict, resistance, and agency

Art worlds

  • Becker, Howard S.

Poetry of the revolution

Marx, manifestos and the avant-gardes

  • Puchner, Martin

Nei dettagli nascosto

per una storia del pensiero iconologico

  • Cieri Via, Claudia

Risultati 100-120 di 433