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Risultati 20-40 di 635

Smelik & Stokking

40 jaar

  • Smelik & Stokking

Gli uffizi

guida alle collezioni e catalogo completo dei dipinti

  • Caneva, Caterina

Cortoneschi a Roma

catalogo della mostra a Palazzo Barberini

Civilizing rituals

inside public art museums

  • Duncan, Carol

Whose muse?

art museums and the public trust

The museum age

  • Bazin, Germain

Collecting and empires

an historical and global perspective

The Curator's Egg

the evolution of the museum concept from the French Revolution to the present day

  • Schubert, Karsten

Merchants and masterpieces

the story of the Metropolitan Museum of Art

  • Tomkins, Calvin

The public art museum in nineteenth century Britain

the development of the National Gallery

  • Whitehead, Christopher

The British Museum

a history

  • Wilson, David M.

Museums in the German art world

from the end of the Old Regime to the rise of modernism

  • Sheehan, James J.

Das Museum

Spiegel und Motor kulturpolitischer Visionen : 1903-2003, 100 Jahre Österreichische Galerie Belvedere : mirror and motivator of cultural-political visions

Les Rothschild

une dynastie de mécènes en France