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Risultati 60-80 di 635

Diario d'Accademia

1946-1953, la scuola di Achille Funi : sette anni d'impegno all'Accademia Carrara di Bergamo

I Musei vaticani

monumenti, musei e gallerie pontificie

  • Daltrop, Georg

Loan exhibition

selected acquisitions of the Walker art gallery, Liverpool, 1945-1955 : in aid of the National art colletions fund

  • Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool

Recently acquired pictures by old masters

november 19-december 21, 1957, Thos. Agnew and sons

  • Thomas Agnew and sons

Loan exhibition of the Lansdowne collection

in aid of the Royal National Institute for the Blind : december 8, 1954-january 29, 1955

  • Thos. Agnew & sons

Small picture for small rooms

a Collection of cabinet pictures by old masters ranging from the 15th to the 19th centuries : april 7-may 9, 1964

The eighth antique dealers' fair and exhibition

in the Great Hall, Grosvenor house ... thursday june 10th, to friday, june 25th, 1948 ... : handbook of exhibitors

Jeu de Paume

museo degli impressionisti

  • Jeu de Paume, Parigi

[2]: Italian schools

  • National Gallery, Londra

Il Museo Civico di Torino, 1959-1960

  • Museo civico d'arte antica di Torino

Sammlung Thyssen Bornemisza

Katalog der ausgestellten Kunstwerke : Villa Favorita, Castagnola

Museo Poldi Pezzoli [+]


  • Museo Poldi Pezzoli

Museo Poldi Pezzoli [+]

orologi, oreficerie

I capolavori degli Uffizi

  • Moriondo Lenzini, Margherita

La Pinacoteca di Rimini

  • Pinacoteca comunale, Rimini