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Risultati 40-60 di 83

Marca-Relli [+]

Harold Rosenberg

  • Marca-Relli, Conrad

Robert Carroll [+]

viaggi nella natura : Pontremoli, Palazzo Dosi-Magnavacca, 20 luglio-4 agosto 1985

Andrew Wyeth

the Helga pictures

  • Wyeth, Andrew

Jackson Pollock

energy made visible

  • Friedman, B. H.

Fritz Scholder

  • Scholder, Fritz

Morris Louis

the Museum of Modern Art, New York

Al Held

  • Sandler, Irving

The art of Lew Davis

a 40 year retrospective

Robert Motherwell

  • Motherwell, Robert [Artista (Pittore, etc.)]

Georgia O'Keeffe

art and letters

Mel Ramos

a twenty-year survey : april 13-may 16 1980

Roy Lichtenstein

  • Lichtenstein, Roy


James hd Brown

Exhibition of contemporary American painting

College of fine and applied arts, Urbana, Illinois : February 27 through April 3, 1949

  • Exhibition of contemporary American painting, 1949, Urbana