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Risultati 120-140 di 799

Global Europe

the European Union in world affairs

  • Piening, Christopher

Greece and Spain in European foreign policy

the influence of southern member states in common foreign and security policy

  • Kavakas, Dimitrios

European foreign policy

the EC and changing perspectives in Europe

European Union and new regionalism

regional actors and global governance in a post-hegemonic era

A common foreign policy for Europe?

competing visions of the CFSP

L'Europa e il mondo

la politica estera, di sicurezza e di difesa europea

  • Clementi, Marco, 1964-

European Union foreign policy

from effectiveness to functionality

  • Bickerton, Christopher J., 1979-

Sustainable peace

power and democracy after civil wars

Exploring subregional conflict

opportunities for conflict prevention

The dilemmas of statebuilding

confronting the contradictions of postwar peace operations

Europe: a civilian power?

European Union, global governance, world order

  • Telò, Mario


geografia e storia di un'idea