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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 160-180 di 667

Le tariffe idriche

aspetti fondamentali dell'impatto sul consumatore

The environmental implications of privatization

lessons for developing countries

  • Lovei, Magda

Reengaging in agricultural water management

challenges and options

  • The World Bank

Bridging troubled waters

assessing the World Bank water resources strategy

  • Pitman, George Keith

Che cos'è la biodiversità?

osserva, comprendi, proteggi

  • Paris, Mathilde

Leakage target setting

a frontier approach : final report

The German water sector

policies and experiences

International comparison of water sector

comparison of system against a background of european and economic policy

Southern european water summit

monday 12th & tuesday 13th march 2001 Ambasciatori palace hotel, Rome

Australia's urban water sector

Productivity commission inquiry report

Bechmarking Central American water utilities

benchmarking de empresas publicas de agua y saneamiento en Centroamérica : final report

  • Corton, Maria Luisa