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Risultati 140-160 di 1330

Presidenti e assemblee

disegno costituzionale e dinamiche elettorali

  • Shugart, Matthew Soberg

Città al voto

i sindaci e le elezioni comunali

  • Baldini, Gianfranco, 1970-

La France aux urnes

soixante ans d'histoire électorale

  • Bréchon, Pierre

The nationalization of politics

the formation of national electorates and party systems in Western Europe

  • Caramani, Daniele

La comunicazione politica

  • Mazzoleni, Gianpietro

The funding of party competition

political finance in 25 democracies

  • Nassmacher, Karl-Heinz

Political recruitment

gender, race and class in the British parliament

  • Norris, Pippa

Democracy in divided societies

electoral engineering for conflict management

  • Reilly, Benjamin

Electoral systems and party systems

a study of twenty-seven democracies 1945-1990

  • Lijphart, Arend

Electoral systems

a comparative introduction

  • Farrell, David M.

Making votes count

strategic coordination in the worlds electoral systems

  • Cox, Gary W.

Seats and votes

the effects and determinants of electoral systems

  • Taagepera, Rein

Risultati 140-160 di 1330