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Risultati 1-13 di 13

Vorticism and its allies [+]

Hayward gallery London 27 march-2 june 1974

Tilson [+]

italian notebook

  • Iovane, Giovanni

L'avventura estetica [+]

saggio sul decadentismo nell'età vittoriana

  • Gaunt, William

Arte inglese oggi, 1960-76 [+]

Milano, Palazzo Reale, febbraio-maggio 1976, British Council, Comune di Milano

The new style [+]

Aspects of neo-classical taste

British artists in Rome, 1700-1800 [+]

The Iveagh bequest, Kenwood, 8 June-27 August

Michelangelo [+]

  • Di Cagno, Gabriella

Henry Moore to Gilbert & George [+]

modern British art from the Tate Gallery : Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels, 28 September-17 November 1973

Joe Tilson [+]


The exhibition of the Royal Academy of arts, 1841 [+]

the seventy-third

  • Exhibition of the Royal Academy of arts, 1841, Londra

Risultati 1-13 di 13