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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 300-320 di 874

Sex work is work

  • Zollino, Giulia

Accounting for poverty in infrastructure reform

learning from Latin America's experience

  • Estache, Antonio

Public-private partnerships for urban water utilities

a review of experience in developing countries

  • Marin, Philippe

The Manila water concession

a key government official's diary of the world's largest water privatization

Reforming infrastructure

privatization, regulation, and competition

  • Kessides, Ioannis N.

Una favola per il futuro

e altre cronache dal mondo naturale

  • Carson, Rachel

The IBNET water supply and sanitation performance blue book

the international benchmarking network for water and sanitation utilities databook

  • Berg, Caroline: van den

Stepping up

improving the performance of China's urban water utilities

  • Browder, Greg, 1961-

interrogare la sfinge

un'archeologa in Parlamento ai tempi del colera (2019-2022)

  • Corrado, Margherita

Reducing risks protecting people

decision-making on the basis of risk

  • Walker, Timothy