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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 100-120 di 874

Il recupero dei valori

centri storici e monumenti : limiti della conservazione e del restauro

  • Di Stefano, Roberto, 1926-2005


critical approaches

  • Harrison, Rodney

The benefits of famine

a political economy of famine and relief in southwestern Sudan, 1983-1989

  • Keen, David, 1958-

Difficult heritage

negotiating the Nazi past in Nuremberg and beyond

  • Macdonald, Sharon

Il pubblico ha sempre ragione?

presente e futuro delle politiche culturali

Il design dei beni culturali

crisi, territorio, identità


the great Chinese famine, 1958-1962

  • Yang Jisheng

The waste and the backyard

the creation of waste facilities : success stories in six European countries

Institutions for the earth

sources of effective international environmental protection

Earthly politics

local and global in environmental governance

Choosing environmental policy

comparing instruments and outcomes in the United States and Europe

In the shadow of 'just wars'

violence, politics and humanitarian action

Risultati 100-120 di 874