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Risultati 180-200 di 1238

Storia illustrata della pittura a Pisa

dal Seicento all'Ottocento

  • Paliaga, Franco

Collection Marie Cuttoli, Henri Laugier, Paris

[exposition, octobre-novembre 1970]

Sammlung Im Obersteg

Kunstmuseum Bern, 25. Juni-14. September 1975

The Annenberg collection

September 2-October 8 1969, The Tate Gallery London

a loan exhibition of paintings, watercolors, and sculpture from the collection of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pearlman

For the benefit of Greenwich House (Greenwich House Music School) New York, January 27-February 21, 1959

Hammer Galleries 40th anniversary loan exhibition, 1928-1968

Masterworks of the 19th and 20th century : ... November 7th-December 7th, 1968

  • Hammer Galleries, New York

The Armand Hammer collection

Los Angeles County Museum of Art, December 21, 1971-February 27, 1972, Royal Academy of Arts, London, June 24-July 24, 1972, National Gallery of Ireland, Dublin, August 9-October 1, 1972

Seven pictures from the Zumsteg collection

Tuesday, April 6, 1976

  • Christie, Manson & Woods, Londra

Chefs-d'oeuvres des collections suisses de Manet à Picasso

catalogue officiel; exposition nationale suisse, Lausanne 1964, Palais de Beaulieu]

La pittura moderna

breve storia da Cézanne ai giorni nostri

  • Read, Herbert

La raccolta Luigi Frugone

mostra antologica : Villa Grimaldi, Genova-Nervi, 1 aprile-29 ottobre 1984

Gemälde in deutschen Museen

Katalog der in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland ausgestellten Werke

  • Schweers, Hans F.