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Risultati 40-60 di 1172

Mary Queen of Scots

[A Pitkin Guide : The Book is Based on an Original Text

  • Woodward, G.W.O.

Gran Bretagna [+]

  • Bailhache, Jean

Reading revolutions

the politics of reading in early modern England

  • Sharpe, Kevin

The Royal family

the story of the British Monarchy from Victoria to Elizabeth

  • Berton, Pierre

Libro d'ore

  • Baudouin, Charles


journeys to the surviving relics of the british empire

  • Winchester, Simon

Storia dell' Inghilterra

Dalla conquista romana alla prima guerra mondiale

  • Woodward, Ernest Llewellyn

Maria Stuarda

tre mariti, due corone, un patibolo

  • Fumagalli, Claudina

The British Isles

a history of four nations

  • Kearney, Hugh

Elisabetta 2.

una donna straordinaria il cui prestigio ha attraversato indenne guerre, scandali familiari, rivolgimenti politici

  • Newbury, Richard

Memorie, 1874-1903

  • Churchill, Winston S.

The Scottish revolution, 1637-1644

The triumph of the Covenanters

  • Stevenson, David