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Risultati 120-140 di 241

Arp e l'avanguardia

[Milano, Museo della Permanente 1 aprile-10 maggio 1998]

Edward Hopper 1882-1967

visione della realtà

  • Kranzfelder, Ivo

American masters

the voice and the myth in modern art

  • OʼDoherty, Brian

Frank Stella

paintings 1958 to 1965 : a catalogue raisonne

  • Stella, Frank

Reconciliation elegy

  • Motherwell, Robert

Paul Jenkins [+]

  • Jenkins, Paul, 1923-2012


  • Weller, Allen Stuart


works on paper, 1949-1984

  • Wilkin, Karen

Maro Gorky

ritmi e silenzi colorati

The pocket history of american painting [+]

  • Flexner, James Thomas, 1908-2003

The reality of appearance

the trompe l'oeil tradition in American painting : [National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC, March 21-May 3, 1970, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, May 19-July 5, 1970, University Art Museum, Berkeley, California Palace of the Legion of Honor, San Francisco, July 15-August 31, 1970, The Detroit Institute of arts, September 15-October 31, 1970]


percorso didattico attraverso la pittura americana degli anni 60 e la pittura europea degli anni 70 : la mostra e posta sotto il patrocinio della Regiona Emilia Romagna : hanno aderito all'iniziativa, Amministrazione provinciale di Modena, Camera di commercio industria artigianato agricoltura di Modena, Ente provinciale per il turismo di Modena, 1976, 18 marzo-2 maggio

  • Galleria civica, Modena

The gentle art of making enemies [+]

as pleasingly exemplified in many instances, wherein the serious ones of this earth, carefully exasperated, have been prettily spurred on to unseemliness and indiscretion, while overcome by an undue sense of right

  • Whistler, James Abbott McNeill

Between me and life

a biography of Romaine Brooks

  • Secrest, Meryle