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Risultati 40-60 di 73

J.M.W. Turner, 1775-1851 [+]

il mondo della luce e dei colori

  • Bockemühl, Michael

Turner e Roma

  • Iannattoni, Livio


  • Selz, Jean

Turner the painter: his hidden life

a frank and revealing biography

  • Falk, Bernard


  • Phythian, John Ernest

J.M.W. Turner

his life and work : a critical biography

  • Lindsay, Jack


The last seascapes

  • Hamilton, James, 1948-

Turner watercolors from the British Museum

National Gallery of Art, Washington, The Museum of fine arts of Houston, Texas, M. H. de Young Memorial Museum, San Francisco, California, The Cliveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, Ohio, William Rockhill Nelson Gallery of Art, Kansas City, Missouri, The Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn, New York : September 1963-May 1964

Turner [+]

le forme della luce

  • Weelen, Guy

J.M.W. Turner (1775-1851) [+]

acquerelli e incisioni dalle collezioni della City art gallery di Manchester : Palazzo Bianco, Genova, dicembre 1980-gennaio 1981

J oseph M allord W illiam Turner (1775-1851) [+]

acquerelli e incisioni dalle collezioni della City art gallery di Manchester : Galleria nazionale d'arte moderna, Roma, Valle Giulia, 24 ottobre-30 novembre 1980

Turner [+]

  • Rouve, Pierre

J.M.W. Turner, R.A., 1775-1851 [+]

a catalogue of drawings and watercolours in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge

  • Fitzwilliam Museum