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Risultati 160-180 di 735

Messe de Notre Dame [Audioregistrazione]

le lai de la Fonteinne : ma fin est mon commencement

  • Machaut, Guillaume de

Cancons de la Catalunya mil.lenaria [Audioregistrazione]

Playns & Llegendes : Montserrat Figueras : La Capella Reial de Catalunya

  • Savall, Jordi

Nova Cantica [Audioregistrazione]

latin songs of the high middle ages

  • Vellard, Dominique

Le jeu de Daniel [Audioregistrazione]

(XII siècle). Lamentations de Jèrèmie

  • Wulstan, David

Gaucelm faidit [Audioregistrazione]

songs. Trobadour music from the 12 - 13 centuries

  • Kecskès, Andràs

The Marriege of Heaven and Hell [Audioregistrazione]

Motets and songs from thirteenth-century France

  • Page, Christopher

The Courts of love [Audioregistrazione]

Music from the time of Eleanor of Aquitaine

  • Sinfonye