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Risultati 1-20 di 257

World resources 2005

the wealth of the poor : managing ecosystems to fight poverty

Guidelines on municipal wastewater management

a practical guide for decision-makers and professionals on how to plan, design and finance appropriate and environmentally sound municipal wastewater discharge systems : version 3 : february 2004

Improving municipal wastewater management in coastal cities

a training manual for practitioners focusing on: objiective oriented planning, innovative technological and financial approaches, stakeholder involvement, presentation techniques

Capacity building for sustainable development

an overview of UNEP environmental capacity development initiatives

One planet many people

atlas of our changing environment

Tourism and Local Agenda 21

the role of local authorities in sustainable tourism

Sustainable tourism in protected areas

guidelines for planning and management

Vital water graphics

an overwiew of the state of the world's fresh and marine waters

Water policy and strategy of UNEP

  • United Nations environment programme

L'ultimo mare

lo stato dell'ambiente marino del Mediterraneo

  • United Nations environment programme

Risultati 1-20 di 257