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Risultati 1-20 di 22

Climate change 1994

radiative forcing and climate change and an evaluation of the IPCC IS92 emission scenarios

Climate change 2007 [+]

mitigation of climate change

Politique climatique

une nouvelle architecture internationale

  • Tirole, , Jean

World development report 2010

development and climate change

Human development report 2007/2008

fighting climate change : human solidarity in a divided world

Basic meteorology

an introduction to the science

Il vento a Firenze

contributo alle conoscenze anemologiche della Toscana

  • Parisi, , Marina

Beyond Kyoto

energy dynamics and climate stabilisation

Meteorology and flight

a pilot's guide to weather


  • Salerno, , Raffaele, 1961-

Risultati 1-20 di 22