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Risultati 1-20 di 22

UNI ISO/TS 14837-32:2016 Vibrazioni meccaniche e urti

vibrazioni e rumore re-irradiato dovuti a sistemi su rotaia : parte 32: misurazione delle proprietà dinamiche del suolo

UNI 11568:2015 Vibrazioni: Strumentazione e analisi per la misura delle vibrazioni

strumentazione di misura

  • Ente nazionale italiano di unificazione

ISO 2631-2:2003 Mechanical vibration and shock

evaluation of human exposure to whole-body vibration : part. 2: vibration in buildings (1Hz to 80 Hz)

ISO 2631-5:2004 Mechanical vibration and shock

evaluation of human exposure to whole-body vibration : part. 5: method for evaluationn of vibration containing multiple shocks

ISO 18431-2:2004 Mechanical vibration and shock. Signal processing

part. 2: Time domain windows for Fourier transform analysis

ISO 7626-2:2015 Mechanical vibration and shock

experimental determination of mechanical mobility : Part 2: measurements using single-point translation excitation with an attached vibration exciter

UNI ISO 2017 Vibrazioni ed urti. Elementi isolanti

procedura per specificare le caratteristiche

Vibration of structures and machines

pratical aspects

  • Genta, , Giancarlo

Non-linear systems and random vibration

selected reprints from Technical review

Risultati 1-20 di 22