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Risultati 60-80 di 455

The birds of Sicily [+]

an annotated check-list

  • Iapichino, Carmelo

Uccelli d'Italia [+]

Falconiformes, Galliformes

Meraviglie dell'istinto [+]

uccelli migratori

  • Latini, Angela

First meeting of the european ornithological union [+]

Bologna, Italy 28-30 August 1997

  • European Ornithological Union

Nati per volare [+]

atlante dell'avifauna dell'Alto Adige

  • Niederfriniger, Oskar

atlas of neartic shorebirds on the coast of mexic [+]

Canadian Wildlife Service Special Pubblication March 2009

  • Morrison, R.I.G.

Estatus y conservacion de aves marinas [+]

ecogeografia y plan de accion para el Mediterraneo : actas del 2. Simposio Aves marinas del Mediterraneo, Calvià, 21-26 de marzo de 1989 : ecogeography and Mediterranean action plan : proceedings of the 2. Mediterranean seabird Symposium

  • Paterson, A. M.

Reptiles of the world [+]

the crocodilians, lizards, snakes, turtles and tortoises of the eastern and western hemispheres

  • Ditmars, Raymond Lee, 1876-1942