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Risultati 120-140 di 601

The Mary Rose

the excavation and raising of Henry 8. flagship

  • Rule, Margaret

Wooden boat designs

classic Danish boats measured and described

  • Nielsen, Christian


a portrait of sailing barges and sailormen

  • Hugh Perks, Richard

Sailing barges

  • Carr, Frank George Griffith <1903->

Sail and oar

  • Leather, John

Vocabulaire des termes de marine

yachting à voile, yachting à vapeur, yachting automobile : 500 illustrations

  • Soe, Georges

Enciclopedia delle navi da guerra

dalle origini a oggi

  • Galuppini, Gino

Il mare, le barche, i pescatori

cultura e produzione alieutica in Sardegna

  • Mondardini Morelli, Gabriella