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Risultati 1-20 di 200

English ancestors

a survey of British portraiture 1650-1850 : 22 February to 31 March 1983

Polite society by Arthur Devis, 1712-1787

portraits of the English country gentleman and his family : catalogue of the exhibition, the Harris Museum and Art Gallery, Preston, October 1st-November 12th 1983, National Portrait Gallery, London, November 25th 1983-January 29th 1984

Turner [+]

  • Warrell, Ian

Pittura inglese 1660-1840

due secoli di cultura, storia e costume in Inghilterra : Milano, Palazzo Reale, 29 gennaio-16 marzo 1975


Torino, Galleria civica d'arte moderna, ottobre-novembre 1965

Howard Hodgkin: forty paintings 1973-84

British Pavilion, 41. Venice Biennale, june-september 1984; The Phillips Collection, Washington, october-december 1984; Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, Connecticut, january-march 1985; Kestner-Gesellschaft, Hannover, april-may 1985; Whitechapel Art Gallery, London, june-august 1985

Ben Nicholson: new reliefs

October 1971 Marlborough London, November-December 1971 Marlborough Zurich, March-April 1972 Marlborough Rome

New works

wash drawings in relief and mixed media : october-november 1968

Francis Bacon

commitment and conflict

  • Schmied, Wieland


come non lo hai mai visto

  • Hauser, Kitty

Hans Holbein

  • Holbein, Hans <1497-1543>

Risultati 1-20 di 200