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Risultati 1-20 di 94

Africani in Africa

arte contemporanea africana dalle origini tribali al nuovo graffismo e all'arte popolare : art contemporain africain des origines tribales au neuf graffitisme et a l'art populaire : African contemporary art from tribal origins to new graffitism and pop art

  • Faccenda, Luca


giovane arte dal Sudafrica


Cagliari, Lazzaretto Sant'Elia, 26 aprile 30 giugno 2002

From the Lands of the Scythians

ancient treasures from the museums of the U.S.S.R. : 3000 B. C.-100 B. C

L'arte della migrazione

Memorie africane tra diaspora, arte e musei

  • Cafuri, Roberta

Art that breaks the isolation

contemporary artists from Djibouti, Central African Republic and Chad

Ivory Coast

the return of the elephants : contemporary artists from the Ivory Coast

Go Go Ghana

contemporary artists from Ghana

Zambia: implosion for explosion

contemporary artists from Zambia


art of hope : contemporary artists from Somalia

  • Benetton, Luciano [Autore dell'introduzione, etc.]

Morocco, the surprise of absence

contemporary artists from Morocco


contemporary artists from Nigeria


the river of art : contemporary artists from Botswana


Occupation : artist : contemporary artists from Zimbabwe

  • Benetton, Luciano [Autore dell'introduzione, etc.]

Tunisia, turbulences

contemporary artists from Tunisia

Risultati 1-20 di 94