Cerca per titolo, autore, soggetto

Risultati ricerca

Risultati 1-13 di 13

Sfide del mercato e identità europea

le politiche di educazione e formazione professionale nell'Europa comunitaria

Training in Europe

second report on vocational training research in Europe 2000 : background report

Training and learning for competence

second report on vocational training research in Europe : synthesis report

The value of learning

evaluation and impact of education and training : third report on vocational training research in Europe : synthesis report

Analisi della domanda formativa dei giovani migranti italiani in Francia, Belgio, Germania e Gran Bretagna

una ricerca-indagine condotta e curata dalla Federazione Italiana Lavoratori Emigranti e Famiglie con il patrocinio e sostegno del Ministero del Lavoro e della Previdenza Sociale


Evaluation of systems and programmes

third report on vocational training research in Europe : background report

The foundations of evaluation and impact research

third report on vocational training research in Europe : background report

E-learning for teachers and trainers

innovative practices, skills and competences

Objectif compétence: former et se former

deuxième rapport sur la recherche en formation et enseignement professionnels en Europe : rapport de synthèse

Impact of education and training

third report on vocational training research in Europe : background report

Risultati 1-13 di 13