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Risultati 20-40 di 45

Nasopharyngeal carcinoma

etiology and control ...

Schistosomes, liver flukes and helicobacter pylori

this publication represents the views and expert opinions of an IARC working group on the Evaluation of the carcinogenic risk of chemicals to humans which met in Lyon, 7-14 June 1994

Tobacco smoking

this publication represents the views and expert opinions of an IARC working group on the Evaluation of the carcinogenic risk of chemicals to humans which met in Lyon, 12-20 February 1985

Transplacental carcinogenesis

proceedings of a meeting held at the Medizinische Hochschule, Hannover, Federal republic of Germany, 6-7 October 1971

The role of cyclic nucleic acid adducts in carcinogenesis and mutagenesis

proceedings of a meeting organized by the IARC ... held in Lyon, 17-19 September 1984

Some antiviral and antineoplastic drugs and other pharmaceutical agents

this publication represents the views and expert opinions of an IARC working group on the Evaluation of carcinogenic risks to humans which met in Lyon, 12-19 October 1999

Second cancer in relation to radiation treatment for cervical cancer

  • International radiation study group on cervical cancer


a major international health hazard ...