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Risultati 1-7 di 7

L'occupazione al primo posto

panoramica sui patti territoriali per l'occupazione in Italia : Unione europea, fondi strutturali

  • Commissione europea

Employment in Europe 2003

recent trends and prospects

  • Commissione europea: Directorate-general for employment and social affairs: Unit D.4

Employment in Europe 2002

recent trends and prospects

  • Commissione europea: Directorate-general for employment and social affairs: Unit EMPL/A.1

Ecarts de la croissance de l'emploi dans les services

l'Allemagne et les Etats Unis dans la base de données structurelles américano-allemandes comparables

Community labour force survey 2000

employment rates vary between 53.4 [per cent] and 76.4 [per cent] in the EU : large differences in employment characteristics among the member states

  • Comunità europee: Istituto statistico

Risultati 1-7 di 7