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Risultati 1-20 di 110

Chaucer's Canterbury Tales


  • Hopper, Vincent Foster

The hous of fame

in three books

  • Chaucer, Geoffrey

A simplified approach to Chaucer

The Canterbury tales, Troilus and Criseyde, The book of the duchess, The house of fame, Romance of the rope, The parliament of fowls, and other minor writings : and other minor writings

  • Grebanier, Bernard

Sir Tristrem

la storia di Tristano in Inghilterra

Chaucerian polity

absolutist lineages and associational forms in England and Italy

  • Wallace, David <1954- >

Poemi anglosassoni [+]

le origini della poesia inglese, 6.-10. secolo

Il sogno della croce ; Cristo [+]

antichi poemetti anglosassoni

  • Cynewulf

Chaucer and his poetry

55. anniversary edition

  • Kittredge, George Lyman

Opere, Chaucer

  • Chaucer, Geoffrey

Risultati 1-20 di 110